
Good morning. I am in LOVE with your products. Thank you for shipping my most recent purchase so quickly.
Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Carolyn Jackson
Brand Manager
The World’s Greatest Collector Car Auctions™
I’ve got sun allergies, and they are getting worse every year. Sunscreen doesn’t do anything for it..It has now come to the point, that I’m stuck inside every summer, unable to do anything with my daughter from may to late september. I live in the Netherlands, a long way away from where your company is located. Around here, the use of parasols to protect one from uva and uvb, isn’t known. So, I can’t buy one here, since it doesn’t exist. Thats how I found your site.
Thank you so much! This will be our family’s third Persole. We bought our first two at The Quail for my daughter and me. Now my mom will have one too.
The ladies were Ab Fab. We were at The Quail and I was overcome by their display. I had a fun time choosing my umbrellas! Thank you, ladies.
The Persole line is truly needed in today’s sun drenched world. I’m a 62 year old man who soaked up the sun for decades , poolside, beaches, driving convertibles never thinking skin cancer could ever happen to me! Well, at 48 I got a big wake up call. I had my first skin cancer surgery. I was told then that my skin was already damaged and that for the rest of my life, I need to stay out of the sun, and get checked every few months as the damage was already done and many more cancers will emerge. I’ve now had 26 skin cancer surgeries, 24 basal cell carcinomas and two melanomas. The great practical benefit of having a Persole umbrella is it offers SPF and UPF protection. I’m able to still spend time outdoors and be safe. The styling is cool and as a man, I’m confident in who I am and find myself in many conversations with other guys on sun protection and skin cancer risk. Thank you Lisa for the skull handle and masculine design on my Persole umbrella.
Stephen L.
Dear Lisa, Vincent brought me the beautiful parasol/umbrella /everything I love it and thank you so much Best Diane
Diane Sawyer from ABC News
Dear Lisa, Thank you so much for the chic shade. I will be using it!! Thanks, Jane
Jane Seymour
I love my Persole’!! I am a school teacher and use it everyday when I am on dismissal, lunch, or recess duty. Not only does it protect my face, neck, and chest from the sun, but it keeps me from squinting. Wearing sunglasses alone does not provide me that benefit. As a mom, I take it with me to my children’s soccer and football games to keep me cool and protected. My Persole’ is a beautiful and functional accessory that I could not live without.
Claudia Silva Mom and 7th Grade Teacher San Rafael
Dear Lisa, Wow! I couldn’t believe how very nice the parasol that I ordered truly is. I’m grateful 🙂 The style is masculine, the size is perfect, and the quality is top-notch. I especially appreciate the double fabric canopy and the black color. I couldn’t have imagined a better apparatus to use for sun protection. I’m unable to use traditional sunblock because of my skin condition, so Persole is definitely the answer. God bless you, Lisa and thanks again!
Robby St. John’s Seminary Camarillo, CA